Welcome to Stackl

A stack-based language implemented in OCaml and compiled to WebAssembly

About Stackl

Stackl is a stack-based programming language designed to be simple yet powerful. It is implemented in OCaml and compiled to WebAssembly, allowing it to run efficiently in web environments.

Available Functions

Function Description Arguments Example
dup Duplicate the top value on the stack. None 3 dup
exch Exchange the top two values on the stack. None 3 4 exch
puts Print the top value on the stack. None 3 puts
load Load a variable from the environment. Symbol x load
pi Push the value of pi onto the stack. None pi
save Save the current drawing state. None save
restore Restore the last saved drawing state. None restore
translate Translate the drawing context. x, y 10 20 translate
rotate Rotate the drawing context. angle 45 rotate
begin_path Begin a new path for drawing. None begin_path
move_to Move the drawing cursor to a new position. x, y 100 150 move_to
line_to Draw a line to a new position. x, y 200 250 line_to
stroke Stroke the current path. None stroke
set_fill_style Set the fill style for drawing. r, g, b 255 0 0 set_fill_style

Arithmetic Operations

Stackl supports basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Operation Description Example
Addition (+) Adds the top two values on the stack. 3 4 + results in 7
Subtraction (-) Subtracts the top value from the second top value on the stack. 10 4 - results in 6
Multiplication (*) Multiplies the top two values on the stack. 3 4 * results in 12
Division (div) Divides the second top value by the top value on the stack. 12 4 div results in 3

Conditional Statements

Stackl supports conditional execution using the if statement.

Example: { 1 2 < } { 10 puts } { 20 puts } if will print 10 if the condition { 1 2 < } is true, otherwise 20.

Function Calls and Loops

Define and call functions using the def keyword. Loops can be implemented using recursive functions.

Example: /square { dup * } def defines a function square that squares a number. Use it as 5 square.

Example: /loop { /i exch def { i 5 < } { i puts i 1 + loop } { } if } def. Use it as 0 loop.

Stack Operations

Stackl provides various operations to manipulate the stack.

Example: 3 4 exch swaps the top two values, resulting in 4 3.

The exch operation can also be used for variable definition by swapping the top two values on the stack. This is useful for assigning values to variables.

Example: /x exch def assigns the last value pushed to the stack to the variable x.

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